EGM Results - February 2024
Hi all, we’d like to inform you of the outcome of the EGM held today in L125 to amend the constitution and elect a new Systems Administrator.
Results of Election
Congratulations to gholohan
on being elected as a Systems Administrator, and may the odds be ever in your favour!
Constitution Amendment
Below outlines the major changes made to the constitution. If you have any queries, please email committee [at]
for clarification.
Any mention of the “Societies & Publications Committee” has been replaced with “Society Life Committee”.
+ Text in green is any change in proposed new Constitution, for review.
- Text in red is the source article from the current Constitution.
Section 1
+ The official name of the Society will be Redbrick. This shall appear on correspondance with official bodies
- The official name of the society will be Dublin City University Networking Society. This shall appear on correspondence with official bodies.
- 1.1 The society operates under the name Redbrick.
Section 2
Section 2.7 on the old constitution was moved to 2.6 on the new one.
+ 2.3 To create an environment in which its members can develop their skills.
- 2.3 To foster the development of members.
+ 2.4 To provide a forum for members to interact and socialise through activities and discussions which provide experience in computing.
- 2.4 To provide a forum for members to interact and socialise through activities a discuss and gain experience in computer networking.
+ 2.7 To assist other clubs and societies in Dublin City University with computing related questions and tasks.
- 2.7 To increase and promote awareness of electronic communication and related computer systems.
Section 5
The changes in this section pertain to the election of “technical roles” onto the Redbrick Committee. The election criteria for the three roles have been combined into one, since they all fall under the same rules.
+ 5.3 To be deemed fit for election to the position of Systems Administrator, Webmaster or Helpdesk, the candidate must pass an aptitude test, set by the following people for their respective roles:
+ The outgoing Webmaster, Helpdesk, or Systems Adminstrators OR
+ A third party nominated by the outgoing Webmaster, Helpdesk, or a majority of Systems Administrators OR
+ A committee nominated third party in the case that none of the above criteria can be accommodated.
- 5.3 To be deemed fit for election to the position of Systems Administrator and Webmaster, the candidate must either:
- Pass an Aptitude test, as devised by the outgoing Webmaster for Webmaster candidates, or system administrators for system administrator candidates.
- If it is deemed preferable to do so, the test may be set by a third party nominated by the Webmaster (in the case of the Webmaster examination), or by a majority of the system administrators (in the case of the system administrator exams).
- The current committee will nominate this third party. Be an outgoing Webmaster or Systems Administrator
+ 5.4 The 1st Year Liaison Officer shall be elected at an EGM in semester one, and must be in their first year as an undergraduate student at DCU.
- 5.4 All Helpdesk candidates must sit and pass a test as devised by the outgoing education officer(s)
Section 6
Ordering of the committee has changed, with “Core” roles being introduced. This means the society is allowed to function with just the 4 core members, and is considered functional when it has those 4 members.
Section 6.7 in the old Constitution has been removed as it falls into the duties of the treasurer.
- 6.7 The Secretary may keep a record of authorization of expenditure.
+ 6.12 The Treasurer shall sign all cheques and withdrawal forms for the Society’s bank account in conjunction with another bank account signatory member of the Committee.
- 6.13 The Treasurer shall sign all cheques and withdrawal forms for the Society’s bank account.
+ 6.18 The Webmaster is also tasked with advising and assisting other clubs and societies in their endeavours to publicise themselves on the web.